Medical Education and Fellowship Grants Program

Paladin Pharma Medical Education Grants provide funding in the form of unrestricted grants to support Medical Education (including travel sponsorships to international conferences) and Fellowship Programs for Canadian healthcare professionals (note: our Fellowship Program is currently complete – no new applications will be reviewed at this time). This represents one aspect of Paladin's commitment to improving patient health by providing support to educational initiatives for healthcare professionals that meet our standards of quality and compliance.

Support shall not be granted with an intent to promote Paladin products or otherwise to reward past or influence current or future prescribing, purchasing volume, or formulary treatment of a Paladin product. Grants may never be offered for any commercial purpose. Educational programs must present multiple treatment options as dictated by standard of care and not focus exclusively on one approach.

Robust standards and policies assure that Paladin Educational Grants may only be provided in support of an educational initiative which is organized and conducted completely independent of influence from Paladin and its representatives and/or agents. All Paladin-supported activities must:

  • be non-promotional in tone/nature
  • provide information that is fair and balanced
  • be accurate and not misleading
  • apply all applicable disclosures regarding Paladin funding during the educational activity

Current Main Therapeutic Areas of Interest

  • Transplant (kidney and liver)
  • Serious bacterial skin and skin structure infections
  • Narcolepsy
  • Epilepsy

Submission Process

All grant requests must be submitted in writing via email to at least 90 calendar days prior to the start date of any associated educational activity. No grant will be reviewed or approved after the start date of any such activity.

Medical Education and Fellowship Grant requests should contain the following information in order to be considered complete submissions and ready for Committee Review:

Medical Education Grants

  • Details of the event/program (date, location*, educational objectives, etc)
  • Agenda, and Program Brochure (if available)
  • Detailed Budget
  • A statement if additional sources of funding were requested (if applicable, provide details of total project budget and names of additional funding sources)
  • For travel sponsorships: details on post-conference event where attendee will disseminate the knowledge gained to his/her colleagues
  • Legal name and address of organization requesting the funds

Fellowship Grants

  • Details of the program (dates, academic institution, educational objectives, etc)
  • Detailed Budget
  • A statement if additional sources of funding were requested (if applicable, provide details of total project budget and names of additional funding sources)
  • Legal name and address of organization requesting the funds

*Paladin does not support events taking place at luxury venues not deemed conducive to the intended educational activity.

Review Process

Submissions are reviewed by the Paladin Grant Review Committee on a regular basis and evaluated for their educational and scientific merit, alignment with Paladin's areas of therapeutic interest, contribution to the improvement of patient healthcare outcomes, audience scope and compliance with legal, ethical and professional obligations, and availability of resources. Submission of a grant proposal does not guarantee approval.

Paladin will acknowledge receipt of all submissions. Upon receipt of submission, a formal notification on the status of an application will be sent once a decision is reached. Time for review will depend on completeness of the submission.